
Demi Howell Beauty launch coming soon!!!

Message From The CEO

You can initiate a return for any unwanted items once you receive your package within 7 business days. Right now, orders are taking 2-3 weeks to be processed and leave the warehouse.  Thank you for your patience.

Here is what HAUS OF HOWELL is doing to safely meet demand.

  • We’ve always been a clean workplace, but we have ramped up our efforts by using CDC-recommended bleach water solutions and increasing the frequency of wiping down every surface.
  • Hand washing has always been a big deal at HAUS OF HOWELL.  In accordance with the current CDC recommendations, our employees must wash their hands every time they enter the building, pass a sink, eat, or touch a doorknob.
  • Weeks ago, we halted all cross-country travel for all business to keep employees close to home, practicing “social distancing” long before we knew what it was called. We just figured it was common sense.
  • To be extra safe, we canceled local order pickups. 
  • We have established a task force to monitor all COVID-19 information as it comes out and react accordingly. We are in routine monitoring the CDC website frequently.

Please stay safe and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer service team at thehausofhowell@gmail.com

Keep washing your hands,
Haus of Howell